Sunday, February 12, 2012

Butternut Squash Custard

So this weekend, I totally over purred some butternut squash,... so I made it into a custard. BC custard is absolutely one of my favorite foods.

What I did?

2 cups of purred butternut squash
4 eggs
about 3/4 cup granulated Splenda
sprinkle of vanilla
dusting of flour
Sprinkle of nutmeg
Splash of Blue Diamond Almond Milk
(i think that's it)

I baked it for about 30 minutes on 350 degrees. Loved it! The only thing to count for weight watchers was the flour and almond milk! Holla! (Simply Filling Technique) YUMMMMY!

Barley, Beef, and Bean Stew

(Picture not exactly same as recipe)

 So tonight I wanted to cook something on my diet. I threw some things together and it was amazing! Pretty sure everything is part of the Simply Filling Technique for WW, so no measuring is required.

*When I say "handful," it means I didn't measure, I just eyeballed it.

  • 4 cups water
  • 2 beef bouillon cubes (equivalent to 4 cups broth)
  • Handful of mushrooms
  •      "        of onions
  • 8 oz Tyson fajita steak strips
  • 1 can black eyed peas with jalapenos
  • Handful of quick barley
  • Pinch of garlic salt
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper
  • Simmer 4 cups water, mushrooms, bouillon, onions until veggies are tender.
  • Add meat and beans, simmer a little longer.
  • Add barley, cook 10 minutes.
  • Add spices
 That's pretty much it. Since this is a made up recipe, it's not as formal as my other recipes. This is very hearty and very yummy!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cookie Dough Dip (Garbanzo Beans)

I was very excited to find this recipe. I am finding a lot of gluten free recipes are fitting my diet, due to the lack of flour. Flour is bad on my diet.  Anyway, I liked this a lot. I mean - it's not the real thing. My Aunt Penny makes the real thing, and it's down right sinful. If you're on a diet of any kind (WW, gluten), and you want a decent alternative, this is it. This probably wouldn't be for the person who has a texture issue. I purred it in the processer for about as long as I could stand it, and I found it was still a tiny bit grainy. I put it on a banana, and It was delish! I do have a bad habit of eating something, then looking up the WW points. Er, it was more than I was hoping. O well!

  • 1 can of chickpeas (drained)
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 c nut butter (I used Biscoff spread bc it is slightly healthier than the healthiest PB i found)
  • Up to 1/4 c milk of choice (I used Blue Diamond Sweetened Almond Milk - 3T)
  • I used 3 T of granulated  Splenda (another blog stated 3/4 c brown sugar)
  • 1/3 c chocolate chips (I used 1/2 c)
  • Add all ingredients to food processor. Puree till you're sick in the face.
  • Add chocolate chips.

Simply Filling Technique 6 pts for 1/4 of dip.

Roasted Garbanzo Beans

So, I'm really trying to lose weight these days. I've hit a point that I told myself I wouldn't. SO.... I'm doing Weight Watchers. I decided to do the Simply Filling Technique, which means you can eat things only from a list of power foods. You portion what you feel is good for you, and try to avoid stuffing yourself. I really like this. The more starchy vegetables are included, which makes me happy... AND it's a lot less point counting.

OK, so on to the garbanzo beans. I've been looking at lots of recipes that include garbanzo beans (which I can eat without couting points). There are salads, cakes, and even snacks. Well I saw one lady roasted them. I tried it, and THANK YOU JESUS, I have found my salt craving food and peanut/chip replacement. I can not have chips in my house, even the reduced fat "healthy" ones. I have no self control. These garbanzo beans, I can eat a whole can and not feel guilty at ALL! They're great for afterschool snacks.  Yes, even teachers need an afterschool snack.

  • One can of garbanzo beans (chickpeas).
  • EVOO
  • Sea salt
  • Seasoning (Tony's)
  • Set oven for 400 degrees.
  • Drain one can of garbanzo beans. Rinse in strainer.
  • Lay out on paper towel on cookie sheet, place another paper towel on top, and dry.  It's OK to keep shells on.
  • Remove paper towels and add EVOO. Use your discretion. (roll them around in it)
  • Sprinkle sea salt.
  • Cook 30 minutes, or until crispy.  They should not be soft.
  • Add Tony's seasoning or spices to your liking. I used Greek seasoning.
Weight Watchers Technique: Simply Filling - 0 pts ... considering you take in account how much healthy oil you've had that day. 2 tsp is the limit.